Saturday, August 15, 2009

Engage Sunday at The Heights Baptist Church

August 2nd was Engage Sunday at The Heights. Our whole church came on Sunday morning ready to work. We loaded buses and arrived at different places that needed our help. Some people went to a church in south Dallas that we have been partnering with called Cornerstone, others worked at schools, houses of those who might not be able to do house work, and other ministries and charities. It was amazing to see the body of Christ at work. Will and I had so much fun. Will did yard work and I painted. I think it really had an impact on the metro plex. we were hearing reports of people wanting to know what was going on. The Lord is at work in the Dallas area and I pray that we can be a part of what he is doing. What keeps us from serving? Are we really that busy? What are the things that fill our lives? Is that TV show really that important, or could that round of golf be put off until what is truly important it done. People need to see that Christ cares for them. How else will they see that unless we show them. We really do need to engage the community to share the Gospel with them, engage with them to show God's Love and grace. It was an amazing Sunday and it really impacted the way I see missions. It isn't just foreign. and it isn't just every once in a while. It needs to be consistent and it needs to be part of our lives. The Gospel should pour out from us, it should overflow into what we do and what we allow to take up our time. It made me think about the true meaning of Missional living! Have you thought about it lately? Have you done something about it lately? how about today?

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