Tuesday, June 29, 2010

SHARK! Da DA... Da DA... Da DA

After we ate Dinner down on the beach we were cleaning up the tent and chairs. Two guys came by with fishing gear and a kayak. Will found out that one of them kayaks some bait  and the fishing line out past the sand bar, while the other holds the rod. It didn't take long for something to bite. It did however take awhile for the guy to get it in. When everyone saw that it was a shark a large crowd began to gather. James, Liam and I checked it out. The shark was about the size of James. Heidi looked at our pictures and said that it is a Mako shark and that they are usually friendly and calm. I did find on Wiki, that no shark attacks have been attributed to Makos. Still when the guys were trying to get the hook out he looked mad. They eventually unhooked it and let him swim back out to sea. Will caught a video of it with our small camera. (It doesn't have audio)


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