Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Moving transition

We didn't fall off the face of the planet, but we will be with out Internet for the next week or so. I have so much to share and show on the blog, but it will just have to wait. We miss all our friends in Louisville and hope that all are well. Stay tuned for more from Texas!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Franklin, TN

Before mom and dad drove home with me we went to Jennifer Land's wedding. We had a great time. Mom and Dad toured the country Music Hall of fame and the Grand ol Opry. Uncle Richard showed us around Nashville and the Southern Baptist Convention building. He showed us where he does his radio Show and the offices of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. He took us out to lunch at a very tasty Italian restaurant. When we drove into Franklin, we learned all about the history there. the wedding was beautiful, and it was so fun to see family! Here are just a few pictures from the little side trip.

Carnton Plantation served as a hospital during the Battle of Franklin.
This is the front of the house.
The cemetery was divided by states and each soldier was numbered.
The back porch of the Plantation house.
Rachel and me after the Jennifer's wedding.
All dressed up
Aren't they handsome!

Fourth of July

“It can not be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians, not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ!” Patrick Henry

Happy 4th of JULY!
So this is by far one of my favorite days of the year. Unfortunately Will wasn't with me, to enjoy the fireworks and yummy all American food.

Baby Will's first swim!

Wes being Mr. Helpful! He came in and asked Oma if he could do the dishes.
Then he asked Pops if he could water the plants.
Ella made some points in Washers.
Will plays Washers like a pro!I did not, I repeat, NOT make this dessert. Nicole did! I just helped with the strawberries.


Will and Ella are ready to watch the fireworks show.


Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy Chigger Day! 11 years!

Happy chigger day!
11 years ago on July 3, Jenny Hammond and Will Crum were in the mist of the summer after their freshman year of high school. They had been to beach camp and now were in the throws of church youth group gossip, and puppy love. The night before independence day, Jenny and Will went for a moon light walk in his neighborhood. They decided to stop and sit on a railroad tie in a green belt to talk. Both of them completely distracted by the other, did not noticed the itchy little friends that had joined them. As Will walked Jenny back to her car, he asked her oh so quietly, "So you know what everyone is talking about? What do you think?" Jenny's exact words were, "I think it is a good idea." You can imagine how the conversation went on from there. Though it was an itchy way to start a relationship, it certainly made it memorable.

I think this is the next day, hanging out at Abby's house!

This is the first time in 11 year that Will and I have been apart on our dating anniversary! He sent me these beautiful flowers. I put them in a vase with food and the next morning they were opened up so beautifully. I wanted to share them, and brag on how wonderful he is too.

Will, Thanks for 11 amazing years. I don't know what I would do with out you! I'm so glad that the Lord put us together. You are an amazing man of God and will be a great father! I Love you!

Ironically, This article was in the newspaper on July 4th. It's a little late now.
Oh Well! Happy Anniversary Will!

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