Friday, November 6, 2009

When little boys play with nail polish! Liam's Mischief

I for some reason always seem to do my spring cleaning in the fall or winter. I was cleaning out my bathroom pantry, reorganizing it and Liam got into a little mischief!

This is what happens when little boys play with nail polish...

I had a shoe box of nail polish, Liam thought he would help me purge by dumping out the whole box all over the bathroom floor.

Within the span of 30 minutes I must have put everything back in the box like 5 times.
  He just kept dumping it out.

Uh Oh, I've been caught! What? You wanted to keep these?

So sweet and innocent

Then Liam discovered the toilet paper roll.

He pulled it all the way around the corner.

This is daddy's face! For sure!

oh is that attached to me?

1 comment:

Brice and Jeni Land said...

Oh man! He is a toddler!! At least he is just one and not ten like we used to have at TGS. I have that same rug, by the way...


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