Thursday, December 17, 2009

Liam's 1st Gingerbread House

Last Sunday was a busy day! Nicole had run a marithon, Mom and Aunt Nita had walked the Half, The Heights had its big "Three Trees" event and we decided to squeeze in some gingerbread house decorating while we celebrated Stephen's birthday. Whew!

Like the absent minded mom I am I forgot our camera so Pops took some pictures for us.
He had so many more but I didn't have a lot of time to e-mail them to myself. I'll hit the highlights.

Will and I were at Three Trees during the first part of the night. Sweet Yiayia babysat while Will and I were at church. Thanks Yiayia! Three Trees is our Church's event to help less privelidged families have Christmas. The kiddos go play in our preschool, childrens, and youth areas while a host from our church takes the parents to pick out presents for each kid. They are given Payless gift cards to buy shoes and wal-mart or target card for nessesities. Will and I had a sweet family with a 5 year old boy and a 7 year old girl. The parents only spoke spanish. I was ashamed of my lack of spanish knowledge considering how much spanish I took. We took them to meet Pastor Miguel of the Lighthouse Church and it turned out that they knew him from an apartment ministry the Lighthouse does. I asked the dad if they thought that they might come next Sunday and he said they would. It was great! The second we walked into the Chapel, where the Lighthouse meets, all sorts of people came to say hello, or Hola, and made them feel so welcomed. Will and I were so thankful that the members of the Lighthouse were saying the things we couldn't remember how to say. Praise the Lord, God did some great work at Three trees.
Meanwhile... back at the Hammond casa:

Will and Ella started the decorating.

Laura and the girls were in town to see Mamma Mia finish the race. How fun to continue our tradition with them. It brings back good memories.

Mamma Mia and Emma

Happy Birthday Stephen!

Liam concentrating

Ella is such a sweet cousin, she was showing him how to do it.

The top... yummy!

Flyin' solo! way to go Liam. Looks good!

Proud mommy and daddy. Notice Liam's icing goat-tee, toword the end he was tasting more than decorating. That's okay, that is part of the fun!

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