Saturday, May 29, 2010

Gary and his Gardenias

I thought I would pre-empt father's day by talking about how cool my father is! I mean, tell me, who could possibly be as cool as Gary Hammond in a matching camo aprin and chef's hat, with gardenias behind each ear? The answer... NO ONE! And what makes it even more fitting to my sweet daddy is that he bought it no doubt on sale at one of his three favorite sporting good stores. Always an eye for the deals.
You are Awesome dad!

He loves Gardenias! He has a huge bush in the back yeard. He always talks about how he had one growing up, right outside his window growing up. The window had an AC unit in it and the floral fragrance would be blown troughout the house. The other night he gave me a whole bouquet of gardenias! For the last week everytime we walk in to our apartment it would smell so lovely.

Aren't they wonderful?

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